How long does the program take?
The program consists of five sessions. Each session will take 1 to 2 weeks to complete. During each session you will learn how to modify behaviours and implement changes. You can return to previous sessions to review or edit an activity, but you must spend a minimum of one week on each session before you can begin the next . Once you complete the program and post-intervention assessments, theBetter Nights, Better Days
team will check in with you at 8 months and 12 months to follow-up on your experience and use of the program.
How much time will the program take every day?
The program was designed with busy families in mind and has been created to take as little time as possible. Viewing a session and planning your activities for the week should take about 1 hour. Completing the activities with your child will take more time. If you're able to invest time and energy on the program with your child for 5 to 10 weeks, you should see this investment pay off!
Will I be given access to the program right away?
We are currently recruiting Canadian parents to participate in an implementation study of the Better Nights, Better Days
program. Eligible participants will be asked to complete several questionnaires before they begin. Participants will be randomly divided into one of three additional levels of support groups (1. self-guided BNBD-NDD program; 2. BNBD-NDD program with chat support; and 3. BNBD-NDD program with chat support and Child LABS virtual community). We aim to evaluate how parents' use the program, their satisfaction with the program, and opinions about whether the
Better Nights, Better Days
program would be valuable as a program to purchase in the future.
How does the treatment work?
Better Nights, Better Days
is a behavioural treatment program. The program uses behavioural principles to help teach children to sleep better and encourage healthy behaviours. With consistent use, behavioural principles will help you reduce problematic behaviours and increase your child’s positive sleep behaviours. When children sleep better, their daytime behaviour also improves! That’s why it’s called
Better Nights, Better Days
- the program should help you see positive improvements throughout the 24-hour period.
When will I see the results of the program for my family?
If you complete the activities and follow the program you should see results in approximately 5 to 10 weeks.
What do I need to participate?
All you need is an internet connection and an email address. All information and materials are provided online.
What are the technical requirements?
- Browser: Google Chrome 49 or higher, Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, Firefox 45 or higher, or Safari 9.0 or higher
- Hardware specifications: CPU clock speed 1GHz; RAM 512 MB